Dream Lady, was a
tremendous individual with a superior strength of
top, above average bone, extreme length an
exceptional udder and the clean bladed underline
everyone was looking for early on. David C. Brown
Beefmasters purchased her from Harrell Cattle
Company and we purchased her for $22,000 as a bred
female from David C. Brown Beefmasters in 1985 and
gave her a name. Dream Lady made her presence felt
in a huge way across the breed by producing many
donor females and several herd bulls. She is the
dam of “Spartacus” and this one bull
alone could justify her as one of the great females
of the breed. Her first heifer calf
“Showgirl” has the distinction of
producing the first embryo calf that sold at an BBU
Auction. Dream Lady was the dam of Tootsie and
Prime Lady, the dam of Prime Time. Dream Lady
continues to be a source of inspiration in purebred
herds across the breed for her superior production.
We have always said if we had a secret barn to fill
with Hall of Fame females, Dream Lady would be the
first one selected.